Monetize Your Squarespace Blog by Joining the Fiverr Affiliate Program


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Monetize Your Squarespace Blog by Joining the Fiverr Affiliate Program

Affiliate marketing is one of the primary ways you can monetize a website/blog to generate passive income.

While many people have heard of Amazon’s affiliate program and even others like Commission Junction, most aren’t aware of the wonderful affiliate program Fiverr offers! (Or maybe they are and it’s ME who is late to the party!).

Either way- Fiverr is essentially the Amazon of digital services.

And if you’re looking to build up passive income on your website, while helping people outsource their tasks by pointing them to professional freelancers, I’d recommend signing up as a Fiverr affiliate pronto!

There’s no approval process- just fill out the application and you’re in.

In this article, I’m going to tell you a little bit more about it and show you how to get started!

How (& Why) to Become a Fiverr Affiliate

Monetize Your Squarespace Blog by Joining the Fiverr Affiliate Program

What does Fiverr Offer?

Fiverr has become the leading marketplace for freelance services.

In a nutshell, folks can sign up as a freelancer (offering services) or a customer (businesses or individuals looking to purchase services).

Not only are a HUGE variety of digital services offered, but also a vast array of budgets, languages, and skill levels.

So exactly what kind of services are offered on the platform?

SO MANY! Like…

Graphics & Design Services:

Digital Marketing Services:

Writing + Translation Services:

Video + animation services:

Music + Audio Services:

Programming + Tech Services:

Data Services:

Business Services:

Lifestyle Services:

Pretty incredible, isn’t it?

I know someone who makes money on Fiverr by offering advice.

It’s amazing, and opens so many doors for people to provide useful services that they otherwise might have had some kind of barrier to entry in the standard employee-company hiring model.

I love it! I plan to start outsourcing more of my tasks soon and I can’t wait to get on there and see what I can make happen by hiring creative freelancers!

monetize squarespace blog, become fiverr affiliate

Become a Fiverr Affiliate (It’s SO Easy)

Mere minutes from now, you can be a Fiverr affiliate.

It’s that simple of a process.

Step 1: Follow this link to the Affiliate signup page.

Step 2: Click the Start Earning Now button.

Step 3: Fill in all your details, and voila! You’re a Fiverr affiliate.

Now start sharing your affiliate links all around your website!

Examples of how to incorporate affiliate links onto your Squarespace site:

Once you’ve setup your account completely, login to your affiliate dashboard here. (Good idea to bookmark that link in your browser.)

Then head over to Marketing Tools and click on Default & Deep Links.

You’ll see a list of links with your affiliate ID embedded into them. You can use those links as they fit into blog posts, across your website, in blog post sidebars, etc.

Just start creating content, with your affiliate links embedded, that is geared toward an audience who might want to use Fiverr, either as a customer or an affiliate.

It’s as easy as that.

For example, in this post I’ve shared my affiliate link for Fiverr Sub Affiliates, as this article is all about reaching out to others who might want to become an affiliate.

In a few weeks, I might create a blog post about copywriting services for your Squarespace website (this is something I get asked about all the time). In that post, I could link to Fiverr, using my affiliate link, so that if someone does sign up and purchase a service, I’ll get a commission fee.

You can also embed Fiverr promotional images that contain your affiliate ID.

To do this, from your Fiverr affiliate dashboard, click on Marketing Tools, then All Marketing Tools.

You can add those marketing images to your Squarespace site using a Code block.

Locate the affiliate graphic you want to use, then click Get HTML Code.

monetize squarespace blog, become fiverr affiliate

Then, copy the code and paste it into a Code block here on Squarespace. The image will appear and if someone clicks on it, it’ll track your affiliate ID. (I recommend embedding something like this into your blog sidebar, for example.)

As with all affiliate marketing- quantity is important. The more quality content you put out with your affiliate link, the more your commission fees add up.

After months and years, you can have a solid passive income established, which frees up your time and allows you to focus on creative and charitable endeavors rather than just constantly having to focus on making money.

Passive income is the key to freedom and innovation, if you ask me!

And becoming a Fiverr affiliate is one prong of that multi-pronged passive income strategy. I’m so grateful to have found this program!

monetize squarespace website, become fiverr affiliate

Hopefully this has been helpful for those of you looking to monetize your Squarespace website.

To earn any kind of lucrative income from your monetization endeavors, of course, you need plenty of traffic.

To get plenty of traffic, you need to publish regular SEO-driven content.

I go into detail about this in my Squarespace SEO Expert course, if you’re interested. I truly believe it’s one of the best investments a Squarespace website owner can make.

I’m also working on a course right now called MONETIZE YOUR SQUARESPACE WEBSITE, which will teach allll the ways you can go about monetizing your Squarespace blog/website to generate passive income and set your future up right! I’m hoping to have it launched by June, so sign up for my newsletter below to stay updated on its release.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave those down in the comments and I’ll try my best to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you again soon!




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Hey there! I’m Tiffany ~ a Squarespace Web Designer & SEO Expert. I design beautiful & professional websites that rank well on Google, & I teach courses on becoming a Squarespace SEO Expert and Starting Your Own Squarespace Design Business!

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